Now What?
There is always a point in a movie or television program when everything is going terribly wrong and the main character usually says, “Now what?” This week, it seemed that every news article was a “now what?” moment.
Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.
Matthew 24:4-6 (NLT)
There is always a point in a movie or television program when everything is going terribly wrong– a messenger arrives and the main character usually says, “Now what?” As I woke up this week, it seemed that every news article was a “now what?” moment.
As we are emerging from our enforced quarantine slumber and things slowly get back to normal, another act of hatred has inflamed people across the country. Peaceful protests have turned into riots, violence and destruction. Now what?
Jesus’ disciples were curious about the “end times” and asked him about it. Both Matthew and Mark record his answer. Jesus said that lots will happen, and things will seem to grow worse. Don’t panic! He says that people will be deceived and that there will be threats and rumors (of wars), yet these things “must take place.”
Jesus continues to say that Christians will be persecuted and even killed. He says that many will “fall away.” However, the Good News is that if we endure, we will be saved. I believe that The Salvation Army’s willingness to help everybody during these past few months has been the defining moment for us in the 21st century. Like the doughnuts of WWI, we will be remembered and highly regarded for our work during these days.
As we anticipate our workspace reopening in a few weeks, let us endure. As we get used to wearing masks and staying a safe distance from people, let us endure. As we march forward helping and assisting our comrades around the country, let us endure.
Then Jesus tells his disciples, we will see Him coming in all His glory, and that is something to look forward to! God bless you all!
Father in Heaven, we thank you for these days of trial and tribulation. Yes, we most assuredly have plenty of both, but You are not far away from us. We thank you for our work friends and family. Keep us safe and bring us back together soon. In the name of Jesus, Amen.