No Longer Neglected, Unwanted, Unloved
"As I grew deeper in my relationship with Christ, my heart becomes more burdened for the lost people in this world."
When I was born, I was given the name “Macy Lynn Weinmann,” and the home I grew up in would have been considered non-Christian. My dad was never interested in taking care of his children. People always told him he wasn’t good enough, and so he ended up proving them right by doing things like drugs, alcohol and spending time with groups of people that society would deem the worst of the worst. My mom’s moods changed depending on whether my dad was around or not. This caused her to slip into depression and forget about taking care of her kids.
Because my parents neglected to take of my brother, sister and myself, we ended up in foster care. This is when I became “Macy Lynn Theriot.” I experienced neglect, abuse and other forms of trauma throughout my adolescent years. This led me to believe that I was lost, unloved, unwanted and worthless. Just because my name changed didn’t mean my life changed at all.
After two years in the foster care system and in the adoption process, the government allowed for the worst injustice yet by giving my mom custody of us again. In the beginning, my mom did well, but when she welcomed my dad back into the home, she began to go back to her old habits. Years of the same old things caused me to realize very quickly that I needed to take care of my siblings and myself.
2005 proved that the worst was yet to come when my mom, brother, sister and I were in Hurricane Katrina. It proved to be a year that will always be remembered as the time we almost died. It was also the first time I have ever felt the presence of the Lord.
With our apartment underwater and on the second floor with nowhere else to go, I stood in waist-deep water with the thought we were going to die, especially because that is what all the adults were saying. In my head and heart, I said the words, “Please help!” I felt a presence and the peace that passed all understanding come over me, and I knew we were going to be okay.
After months of living in shelters, we relocated to Minnesota. That is where we connected with The Salvation Army. At age of 12, I accepted Jesus as my Savior, and it was the first time in my life that I felt found, loved, wanted and priceless – a daughter of the one true King.
Things in my home life continued to be difficult. The first time I ran away I was 13. The second time, I was 15. I didn’t know how to escape my home situation. The police said that if I ran away again, they would send me back to foster care. It was then I turned to the Lord and spent my time at school and the corps.
The corps was my safe place. People loved me so well and showed me what true love could look like through life with Jesus. Leaders shared that when I accepted Christ, I was adopted into His family and that I was a child of God. Family and love was something that I longed for in my life. I knew in my heart that God would never let me down. I wanted to serve the Lord with my whole life.

At Youth Councils in 2014, there was a call to officership. This year was different. I thought I was there to encourage the young people with me in their relationship with Jesus. Lttle did I know that God had something for me. As the speaker was sharing, I instantly noticed that tears were flowing down my face, and I was thinking, “What in the world is going on?” I felt very unsettled in my seat. My officer prayed for me, and I knew at that moment that God was calling me.
I wasn’t instantly obedient to the Lord’s calling. With officership, I felt I was giving up my dreams, but little did I know that God knew my heart. In 2017, I finally stepped into what God was calling me to do, and I learned to be faithful in His calling.
This year, I will go out onto the field as a new Lieutenant ready to serve those who come my way. God is faithful, and His promises are true. I love what Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (NIV).
God has a place for us in His family. When I accepted Him, He gave me everything I needed; and for me, what I needed most was acceptance and love.
As I grew deeper in my relationship with Christ, my heart becomes more burdened for the lost people in this world.
Lieutenant Macy Theriot completed training and was commissioned as a Salvation Army officer in the Central Territory in June.