6 Must-Read Books on Holiness
I pray your year is full of His Truth, His Life, His "way of holiness" (Isaiah 35:8 NIV).
I am constantly asked about the books that have shown me the nature of holiness. Though well aware of the variety of readers who enjoy The War Cry, the short list I share here are those which continue to point me to the Holy One. I believe that any one of them would assist a disciple to fall more in love with the heart of Christ and His purposes in every life. Perhaps a goal for the year might be to seek a deeper experience of His truth and love through these suggestions.
Holy Scripture:
“Methodical Bible Study” by Robert A. Traina: Not a day of my life has been the same since I was privileged to sit under Dr. Traina’s guidance through the book of Mark using the inductive method. It opened for me a clear and comprehensive way of seeing the inerrant truth of the Word of God that informs every aspect of my life and ministry. Holiness is impossible without understanding what the Word of God emphasizes.
Wesley’s Fifty-Two Standard Sermons by John Wesley: It was a college assignment to outline many of these sermons which altered the course of my life. I was introduced to the rich biblical and theological foundation of the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. I found here an expression of the full gospel that has fed into understanding what Jesus offers to all believers. These are all available online and also in updated English.
“The Mind of Christ” by Dennis F. Kinlaw: I am asked often to explain the biblical foundations for entire sanctification. In his inimitable style and insight, Kinlaw, as in all of his books, offers a paradigm for the baptism of the Spirit that rises above typical theological arguments, and he points to the promise of Jesus and the provision of the Spirit that all believers can have His mind (Mark 8:33, Phil 2:5).
Holiness and Discipleship:
“The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert E. Coleman: It was in a small group with Dr. Coleman that a truly biblical understanding of all Christian ministry began to shape my desire to obey Jesus in actually living out His unchanging instruction for growth. This book offers the method of Jesus in making disciple-makers (Matthew 28:19). Coleman takes seriously the command of Jesus to “follow Me” (Mark 1:17). Everything the Lord has called me to since those days has been grounded in the life-changing vision this book provides.
Daily Holiness:
“My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers: I cannot remember a time when the insights of this perceptive saint did not permeate my life. From my earliest days till now his remarkable way of capturing the fullness of salvation and communicating it in startling ways continually helps me to re-orient myself to the beauty of holiness.
Holiness and Emotional Health:
“Healing for Damaged Emotions” by David A. Seamands: I brought a lot of baggage into the sphere of holiness of heart and life that the Spirit clarified for me as an experience subsequent to justification. Seamands, my pastor for eight years, helped me to know what true freedom in the sanctifying grace of Jesus is. He helped me to work through the destructive idols of perfectionism and legalism.
Holiness in Real Life/Biography:
“Samuel Logan Brengle: Portrait of a Prophet” by Clarence W. Hall: I would have never dreamed when I was assigned this book in an Old Testament Survey class that I would find my whole future molded by the transformative theology of The Salvation Army. It was reading this book which helped me to see what perfect love filling the human heart by the Spirit could look like. It was a vision that continues to form my daily intimacy with the Triune God.