Q&A with Envoy Ken Locke
"His mercies are new every day!"
Ken was born in Marshalltown, Iowa. After graduating high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as a chaplain’s assistant until he was discharged. He then enrolled in the College for Officer’s Training in 1979. Commissioned in the God’s Soldiers session, Ken served 10 years as an officer. In 1997, he returned as an employee and is currently serving as an envoy and corps administrator in Warsaw, IN. His wife, Sina, is also an envoy. They have seven children and 11 grandchildren.
01. How did you first become involved with The Salvation Army?
I was invited to the youth group that played volleyball at the corps in Marshalltown, Iowa. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a Sunday evening meeting.
02. What is your favorite event or program in The Salvation Army?
Pathway of Hope. I love how we can work with families and see changes people make in their lives.
03. Who inspires you and why?
Major Rema Fellman was the corps officer who spoke the night I was saved. She said, “Someone in this room needs to get serious about Jesus.” I went forward and knelt at the mercy seat. She was a model servant leader before being promoted to glory.
04. What hobbies do you like to do?
I enjoy reading, walking, watching the Iowa Hawkeyes and collecting sports cards.
05. How do you spend time connecting with God?
I have a morning quiet time each day. I love finding places in parks that are quiet and just listening to nature and reading the Bible. I’m still learning to pray without ceasing!
06. How does your faith influence your work and/or your everyday life?
I could not be an administrator without a personal walk with Jesus. When I try to do it on my own, it doesn’t work very well.
07. What is your favorite Scripture verse and why?
Proverbs 3:5-6 always reminds me to trust God in everything. He never fails!
08. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
In 2000, I was named an Honorary Fall of Saigon Marine. My boyhood friend and fellow eagle scout, L/CPL Darwin Judge, USMC, was one of the last two Americans killed in Vietnam.
09. What are your hopes/goals for the future?
I want to finish strong in my faith with patience until He calls me home.
10. What has been one of your biggest joys in following Jesus so far?
Whether I am on the mountaintop or in the valley, He is always there. My youngest daughter, Kendra, died from complications after being in a car accident in 2008. I have learned to weep in the night, but joy still comes in the morning through Jesus. His mercies are new every day!