EPA 2020 Awards
There is more to your War Cry than a 140-year-old tradition of continuous publication.There is more to your War Cry than a 140-year-old tradition of continuous publication. That rich 140-year tradition of literary excellence spurs those associated with the magazine to achieve excellence in keeping with contemporary trends and standards. The same goes for Peer, the innovative magazine for Gen Z, now in its third year of publication, as well as related Salvation Army publications and communications outlets (websites, podcasts, online newsletters, etc.). These include the East’s SAConnects, the West’s Caring Magazine, the South’s Southern Spirit, SA Today, Rescue the Perishing and the Central’s Central Connection.
One way to keep up with current trends and standards is to join with organizations such as the Evangelical Press Association. Its annual conference, ongoing seminars and contests give publishers including Christianity Today, In Touch Ministries, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the National Association of Evangelicals and hundreds more, the opportunity to share goals and techniques and to be recognized for outstanding writing, journalism, design and communication. The War Cry and Peer are among the publications recognized by EPA for quality and effectiveness. Here are representative comments from judges about The War Cry:

Two-Page Spread Design: How to Hear from God
“Beautiful use of the empty space. Elements of the layout are well placed and designed.”
“Always love judging for the EPA awards. It is a blessing to critique the excellent work and enjoy the way the Kingdom of God is represented in your publications.”

Two-Page Spread Design: When Life’s Not Fair
“I love the openness and the focal points that are provided because of that. Love the blue background. Honestly don’t think I would change anything. I don’t often say that!”
“Excellent page spread-freedom to use open space, good and compelling type and imagery. It is always a joy to view your work and I wish you blessings in your ministry.”

Photo Feature:Women’s Ministries
Fun to see the different expressions of faith by women around the world. And The Salvation Army is having an impact on and through these women. Quite a compilation.”
“The story has impact because of the variety of faith expressions by these women in different countries.”

Photo Feature:African Americans: Advocates of Salvation
“An important topic to illustrate, showing that African Americans have always played a role in The Salvation Army.”
“Good clear photos, both historical and current. Good reproduction.”
“An interesting look at African Americans, past and present, in The Salvation Army. Lots of interesting historical images. Thankful for the good captions.”

Overall Publication Design: August 2020
“Excellent design. The covers are strong.”
“Good pacing and continuity.”
“Design of the publication represents its organization well.”
“The covers offer a distinctive quality and beg to be picked up.”
“Focuses on the mission of the organization successfully.”
War Cry October 2020 Cover
“The image calls the reader to pick it up.”
“Good use of type and placement.”
“Excellent, clean, well thought-out design.”
“The photo is beautiful.”