Colossians 3:9-11: “New Normal”
“The greatest need of every human person, beyond physical survival, is to be understood."
“You have stripped off your old nature and all its wicked deeds. Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are…black or white…Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us.”
I’ve lived through race riots growing up between Detroit and Flint, Michigan in 1967 – unto this day. There’s always this weird tendency to think, “Won’t it be good when this is over, and we can get back to normal?” But I’m begging God that will never, ever happen again! I never want to get back to what’s always been the case, so that in a few years broken hearts erupt into street protests again because they’re still dying to be understood.
When I lived in Mississippi, I worked for a racial reconciliation group. My boss, a black man, taught me things that can be done by us beginning now. If we let God use these stark days of grief to strip off our old nature and create a new nature, we can live a “New Normal” for our nation. We can begin in our neighborhood, the gym, and yes, right at work.
“The greatest need of every human person, beyond physical survival, is to be understood.”
So, all races:
- Intentionally seek out those who are different from you and build a relationship. Don’t wait for someone else. Just do it.
- Don’t eat lunch at a table with people only of your race. What a wonderful opportunity our office lunchroom provides!
- Get to know one another.
- Build authentic relationships. Invite people of other races into your home for meals and fun.
- Pray with people of different races, denominations, and political bents.
SO THAT when tragedy strikes, we have a place and person we can turn to and say these words, “Help me understand! Help me navigate through this.”
Then, humbly recognize that we are truly clueless, listen, listen, listen.
If we all will do this, our children will learn this is a normal life, and then we’ll have a “New Normal” worth living in.
Lord, forbid me to make excuses. Through understanding, help me meet human need in Jesus Name. Amen.