I’m in His Hands
There is a song in The Salvation Army songbook that has always brought me comfort. I share it with you today, so that you might also find reassurance and peace from these great words.
There is a song in The Salvation Army songbook that has always brought me comfort. I share it with you today, so that you might also find reassurance and peace from these great words.
I shall not fear through darkened clouds may gather round me;
The God I serve is one who cares and understands;
Although the storms I face would threaten to confound me,
Of this I am assured, I’m in His hands.
I’m in His hands, I’m in His hands,
Whatever the future holds, I’m in His hands;
The days I cannot see have all been planned for me;
His way is best, you see; I’m in His hands.
What though I cannot know the way that lies before me,
I still can trust and freely follow His commands;
My faith is firm since He it is who watches over me;
Of this I’m confident; I’m in His hands.
In days gone by my Lord has always proved sufficient,
When I have yielded to the law of love’s demands;
Why should I doubt that He would evermore be present
To make His will my own? I’m in His hands!
– Commissioner Stanley Ditmer
In Psalms 139:10, we are encouraged with these words:
“Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”
Psalms 73: 23 tells us:
“Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.”
In these uncertain times in our life right now, there is one thing we can be certain of…God is with us! He is a God that cares for us, a God who will lead us, and He is even holding on to us. We can have faith knowing that God is only a prayer away and wants to hear all that might be troubling us, because He is concerned for us.
I remember in long years gone by, as a little girl how secure I felt when my father held my hand, because I knew with my dad, “that it’s okay, he’s got this.” Well, God’s “got this.” We can hold on to God’s unchanging hand. God is our “hope” for today and for tomorrow. We can know for a fact that His love covers us, and even though we cannot see what the future holds, we can be assured that we are in His hands, and He will guide us.
Trust Him…place your hope in Him alone for He alone is faithful. Do as 1 Peter 5:7 says and “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
Prayer Focus for Today
Commit today and the very future into God’s hands. Each day, read the reminders of God’s faithfulness in His Word to help direct your prayers and to remember throughout the day as you trust in Him.
“Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
God bless.