10 Questions with Lt. Colonels Tim & Cindy Foley
Lt. Colonels Tim and Cindy Foley are currently appointed as the Divisional Leaders of the Northwest Division.
Lt. Colonels Tim and Cindy Foley have served together in several roles as corps officers and leaders in the Western Territory, the College for Officer Training and at National Headquarters. In San Diego, the Foleys were the first administrators of the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, where they were unofficially dubbed the “Godfather and Godmother of Kroc Centers.” They’re currently appointed as the Divisional Leaders of the Northwest Division headquartered in Seattle.
1. How did you meet the Army?
Lt. Col. Tim: I was invited to attend The Salvation Army when I was in college.
Lt. Col. Cindy: I met The Salvation Army when the officers’ children invited me to Sunday school so they could get a prize.
2. How did you meet each other?
Lt. Col. Cindy: The real first meeting was when my first Brigade Out-Sunday as a cadet was to the corps where he was the corps officer. Then we started dating six months later.
3. Can you describe your role in the establishment of the Kroc Centers?
Lt. Col. Tim: We were the first administrators. The project was already in development when we got the assignment.
Lt. Col. Cindy: On our first day, we were told, “Your job is to figure out what we’re going to do with the center and find a way to make it self-sufficient.” So we figured everything out.
4. What aspects of the Kroc Centers are you proudest of?
Lt. Col. Cindy: The fact that we can impact so many people in one location.
Lt. Col. Tim: I like the different subcultures, all the thriving diversity and different opportunities the centers provide.
5. How did you meet Joan Kroc?
Lt. Col. Cindy: We met her in July of 2001 at a restaurant in La Jolla. We were there for almost three hours just talking. Joan even said at one point, “Everybody, order dessert because I just want to keep talking.”
6. What are you currently reading?
Lt. Col. Tim: I think the book that I’m having the most fun with right now is Jimmy Carter’s book on aging. It’s called “The Virtues of Aging” because he was removed from office when he was 58 years old. And then he was like, “Well, now what?” So, he talks about thriving outside of your profession in different ways.
Lt. Col. Cindy: I’m rereading “Canoeing the Mountain” by Tod Bolsinger, which is incredible.
7. What are your hobbies?
Lt. Col. Cindy: I am an avid reader. The Kindle was invented for me, and I’ve got about 1,200 books on it. Secondly, I’m a farm girl. Other than the Lord, my source of emotional renewal is in livestock.
Lt. Col. Tim: I love doing community theater when I can. I also enjoy model railroading and I enjoy video games.
8. What are your favorite scripture verses?
Lt. Col. Tim: Mine is Psalm 37:4-5.
Lt. Col. Cindy: I go back and forth between Colossians 3:23 and Romans 12:1-2 from The Message Bible.
9. How do you spend time connecting with God?
Lt. Col. Cindy: I bookend my day with God, with a brief scripture and prayer in the morning, and at the end of the day, I review the day, and I ask myself questions to help me focus and be still.
Lt. Col. Tim: I like the morning quiet and I’m more of a naturalist. I don’t spend a lot of time gabbing to God and I try to spend a lot of time leaning and listening. But we’re both committed to making sure that we’re in the scriptures every day.
10. Do you have a favorite Kroc Center?
Lt. Cols. Tim: & Cindy: San Diego!